This morning we hit the WOD posted on Crossfit HQ for 15th.

Five rounds for time of:
125 Kg Deadlift, 5 reps
10 Burpees

I was not able to do the rx and scaled down to 90kg on the bar. What can I say? It hurt, burpees and me still haven't made nice. What made it worse, after the first round every time I bent over to deadlift I thought I would see breakfast on the mat. Despite that, this was a workout that i really enjoyed. Not many workouts allow me to push my self to the near pukie levels. I look forward to doing this work out again. Looking at the times posted on Crossfit HQ i have a lot of room for improvement.

Doug hit the workout full steam and with full weight. He did a great job and surely paid the price afterwards calling for the bucket, good work Doug.

I want to work more olymipc lifting into my workouts. After some research on implementing O lifting into the crossfit program i cam across a bio page for Josh Everet. Josh came second in 2008 crossfit games and trains out of Mikes Gym so you would expect him to do a lot of O lifting and he does, three times a week. Im not quite up to that being I am still working on core items but would like to fit in one O lifting session a week.

We have canned the Monday morning strength session as I have been instructed that heavy squats so close to waking up isnt good for your spine. A revised look at my program looks like this

Tuesday WOD
Wednesday Strenght 3x5
Thursday Olympic Lifting
Friday WOD
Sunday Strenght 3x5

I would prefer to not have 4 days straight but there is not much I can do about due to other commitments.


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