I was just reading an article on the BBC website. The title of the article got my attention 'Obesity set before age of five.' The article talks about children already have their excess body weight before school age and that percentage staying with them as they get older. I have always had a little extra around the waist but at this point in time i am determined to get the weight down.

article in question BBC.co.uk

There have also been some good studies on how people who hang around with over weight people begin to gain weight, one theory is that there idea of normal body weight changes to what is around them. Well good news for me, The new ball and chain defiantly does not fall into the over weight category and is a work out machine. Now if I like it or not, (I have to admit I like it) she is the person I spend most of my time with. So this should give me added support to loose weight. Plus there is two other incentives, I enjoy working out with her and her obsession with Jason Statham's six pack gives me fuel to work harder

Last nights workout changed a little from the planed program. One of the guys I work out with had a crook knee so we changed things to fit him him. our emphasis was still on the 3x5 program, just starting with upper body work first then hitting the legs.

Starting with Bench I over anticipated my work out put. Warm up was good but I put my work sets as 110kg. I have not lifted that weight for a while and I cant now. I only got 2 reps out at that range, I then moved down to 105kg, I completed on set at this weight but there was nothing left in the tank for the third set and I had to finish on 100kg.

Next we worked on our chins. My program was as follows.

2x5 Black Band
1x5 Green Band
1x3 Green Band
1x1 No Band.

Every thing went well but still could not punch out that one unassisted rep at the end. To complete that rep i still needed some assistance from Shaza holding my feet. I am slowly getting stronger and look forward to freeing my self from the bands.

Shaza and Nick hit the bar with weighted chins. Nicks progress is amazing but that is what beginners do.

Next i just worked in with shaza when she was doing squats. I just used the same weight as her but working on my front squat. my work set ended up being 2x5 @ 70kg. Really concentrating on depth and abb control.

To finish things off i did some kettlebell work. My goal is to see how many snatches I can do in two minutes. But in stead of hitting hell for leather like I did with the bench, i am going to work up to it. My plan is to work on a running clock for two minutes but setting a certain number of reps per 30sec cycle. There was a little bit of miss communication between my time keeper and I but that was quickly sorted out. I ended up doing 15/10/10/10 I will next time just sit on 12 for each set.


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