Just cant win

I did 4 PRs this week. Two of them gym records. But as these things go one has already been beaten.

On Wednesday i shaved 7 sec off my 2000m row time plus increased both my bench and Dead lift work sets. Overall a good session. Yesterday I didn't reach my target but I did manage to improve my grace score by 40sec to 3:05, my first gym record for the week. This morning i did 1rm max on bench and got 130kg, also gym record.

Unfortunately Doug this morning absolutely smashed my grace time with a 2:42. Now I could try to hide behind statements like. 'Well Dougs reach is 20cm less than mine so over the whole work out he moves the bar 6m less than i do.' But I would be a prat then would I. Watching doug work through his grace it is easy to see how far I still need to work on my C&J technique. Doug was a lot more dynamic from the floor and uses a lot more leg in the jerk/ppress. Fortunately I am doing a Olympic lifting certification this coming weekend. Hopefully in time I will be able to get my grace down to 2:30.

Bench: I was rather stiff this morning and just focused on bench. As I state in my previous blog, my work set weight for bench was now the same as my 1rm. So this morning I worked up from 100kg to my new PR of 130kg. I attempted 135kg but the bar came down way to fast and I just had no push at all, Thanks to my spotters or I would still be stuck under the bar.


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