Triple figure Club

Last night we had 4 in the shed and everyone set some new PR's. Yesterdays HQ WOD was push press so we sub that in for press. I managed to get 100kg over head. Other PR were Nick doing 5x105kg deadlift, this put some pressure on Sharon who meet the challenge with 5x100kg deadlift.

We must be doing something right in 'the shed.'

Doug (another trainer at the gym) believes that the 3x5 session we run is not the best way forward and we should have a stricter adherence to the crossfit program. I know there is a lot of good reasons for this but I also believe that there is benefits in still having designated strength days.

What crossfit program has in its favour is it randomness, this helps produce a well rounded athlete, strong in all domains but master of none. There is nothing wrong this. But I also want to be strong, 600 pound tire flipping strong. Can these both sit side by side? I cant see why not. And later on when if I decide to go completely HQ WOD, I know that the strength training I have been doing will give me a great foundation.

In Rippetoe and Kilgore's 'Practical Programming for Strength Training' they talk about a training continuum. At one end you have strength. Strength takes years to develop but fortunately will stay with the athlete longer. At the other end you have endurance. Endurance befits come fast but the average athlete will loose these gains just as quick if they stop training.

I have taken this on board with my own training. I have never really been a strong person. I really did nothing to improve my fitness for many years. When looking at what I want to achieve and after training with Rippetoe and Kilgore I decided the best plan of action was to get strong and then move on to the more metcom workout.

Will I get to point were I think that I am strong enough and stick to just the WOD's?

My original goal from strength training was to deadlift and squat my own body weight and that has happened. Was this enough to make me change? No, I am just having to much fun with the three major lifts. But how strong does one need to be? I dont know, but I am going to have fun working it out.

I will discus with other people doing the strength training and see if they would like to incorporate more WOD's.

When working on this post I did not have 'Practical Programming for Strength Training' with me so I went searching the web. I came across this blog. Might be worth having a read.

Squat: 3x5 150kg
P Press: 80, 90, 100x, 100
Deadlift: 1x5 150kg


At February 26, 2009 at 2:51 PM Doug said...

Actually. Ive been feircly misquoted above, so to put the record straight.

I DO believe strength training is important. HENCE the reason i do it once a week!! And the reason i sell the benefits to members who come through the door. Strength will have a flow on effect into all sporting endeavours. Funny, thats exactly what i say in the website.

Having said that. There is only so many hours in the day and rest is an important factor in development. Hence the once a week.

My 5 cents, from the 1000lb man :)

At February 27, 2009 at 10:04 AM Andrew said...

Laugh it up fuzz ball. 1000lb man, am I meant to be impressed?

This is what impresses me


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