Last night is was great weather for lifting. It been a hot day but the afternoon breeze was just perfect. And I hit my goal of squatting 3x5 of 140kg

I set about doing workout B and was feeling strong.

Squat: 140kg
Bench: 90kg
Deadlift: 130kg

Squat: I went through the warmup sets as prescribed. When I got to my work set there was a shortage of plates so instead of adding 15kg to the bar I added 20kg and took the weight to 140kg. 140kg had been a goal for me for a long time as that is my body weight. I did have a bit of trouble with a couple of reps with my weight starting to shift forward but overall I got the sets completed. My bar speed and path was not exactly were I wanted it to be so next work out I will stay with this weight or depending on the day maybe just go up to 2.5kg.

Bench: 90kg is still rather easy but i going to still go up in small increments to look after my shoulder and concentrate on good form.

Deadlift: slowly getting there. 130kg was hard last night. I have lifted more but the squats took it out of me. My work set is starting to get smoother, I think this comes down to me making sure that I lean back a little more than i feel is natural. I find this takes the lift from my back and onto my legs. Hope fully this will slowly catch up to my squat weight.

Fridays workout is going to be a killer. It is basically Fran with some rowing added in. I am not going to take off so strong on the first row which is 1000m and head for a time of 4min and see how i go from there. For the pull ups i might go back to jumping instead of band assistance. see here for more details


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