Last night I skipped the Squats at the start to keep up with my training partner. To still give the legs a bit of a workout I worked in with her and added front squats while warming up to do Deadlifts.

Bench Press: Ok, this is starting to get hard. My workout set was 95kg. Quite a light weight for the people I train with but it is really starting to become a challenge for me. I will try the 100kg next week but i can see soon that I will have to start going up in 2.5kg lots.

Front Squat: As my partner was doing her Deadlift work out I jumped in to do some front squats. I started by cleaning the weight up to the rack position and then punching out a set of five. My sets were

2x5 60kg
1x5 70kg

I tried to lift 80kg for a set but could not manage to rack the bar. Cleaning is a real weakness for me.

Deadlifts: Continuing on from the lessons i learnt from the last DL session I focused on keep the back angle constant longer, more weight on my heels. this really did help but I am not yet to move up to a heavy weight.

The lessons from Rip that I had forgotten actually started to flood back. When Rip was watching my set for the deadlift he would tell me to move my feet closer to the bar and then set. I would want to roll the bar forward to make this easier but I would have Rip yelling at me "Dont touch my bar" Looking at the set up I have worked last night it is exactly what Rip had instructed but I had forgotten somewhere along the way.


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