"Symbol of free west"

Or an antidote to not being an axe murder.

I have really started to reel in the old eating. One of my biggest problems is i don't eat regularly enough. I am a man with a big girth so people obviously think that I am feeding that gut 24/7. That is not the case at all. I am a man that unfortunately finds sitting down to a couple of BIG meals a day more my thing, I have it down to almost an art. I aint making drastic changes yet but I am going to work on spreading it out. Consider it stage 1.

One thing I am going to try and cut out is carbonated drinks. I don't drink anywhere near what I used to but I still run down stairs for the occasional sugar fix. well at least I'm running :) Us here in Australia have not been stricken by the pandemic that is corn syrup, but still I am having to much of a sugar spike in the afternoon. The only exception to this will be if there is whiskey in my drink, cant give that away, that would just be stupid.

Lets see how we go.

Day 1


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