First Post

The purpose of this blog is to detail my exercise and nutrition. Always an over weight guy I have found it hard to loose some pounds. The hardest obstacle to overcome is interference from friends, people that think they are helping but in the end just helping to ingrain the old habits.

On this blog I will be posting my workouts and meals plans and how close I am to my goals.

Since the beginning of the year i have been working out with a friend, this has been for the most a good experience but it is time to get serious. with out really measuring progress it is hard to keep the gains coming. The two of us have been following the Crossfit program and have recently decked my garage in the hopes of running classes in the near future.

As you can see, there is a bit to loose.

Some of the progress so far.
- A few years ago I had some surgery to my right knee. The surgery went well and I haven't had any serious problems since them. But I have to admit I have been taking in really easy with the knee, if not to easy. Using it for an excuse to not do some exercises. At the start of the year I found it hard to even squat to parallel from both lack of strength and flexibility. My one rep max now is 170kg.

On Saturday I started the Starting Strength beginners work out. The program is as follows.

Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
5x3 Power cleans

Workouts A and B alternate on 3 non-consecutive days per week. I will only be able to really hit this twice a week due to the other Crossfit commitments.

On the Sunday just past. I started the program. though the old memory had failed me and I had done it wrong. on the weekend I competed

5x5 @ 110kg Squat
5x5 @ 60kg Press
3x5 @ 120kg Deadlift.

I look forward to posting future results.

Here is a video of one of my Saturday sets.


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