Am I a junkie?

I am currently reading How We Decide by  Jonah Lehrer. So far i have found the book very readable and thought provoking. The main question I am getting from the book is am i a junkie?

The book deals with how we make our day to day decisions mundane or life threatening. In the book Jonah goes in to detail of how chemicals like dopamine help determine how we make a decision. This leads me to the question am I a junkie? Do i really make decisions in life because i want to feel the bliss resulting from the release of dopamine? I will continue with book and write a more complete review when i am finished.

Sundays workout
Only had time for two of three exercises.

Squat: 140kg

B. Press: this went well. I recently changed my 3x5 program and removed bench press from regular rotation. But for shiggles and to work in with some other gym members this weekend I did Bench. Everything went well and I am glad to say that I had no problem going up 5kg to a neat 100kg.

On Sunday i was training with a new recruit, Nick. It was Nick that requested we do bench. The main reason for this he was worried that he would loose all previous progress. Well on Sunday he added 7.5kg to his previous work set, or to make it sound even more impressive, 11%.

For a long time the fitness industry has been influenced by body building. One concept I often come across in the gym is people wanting to target specific body parts. For woman it is abs and thighs and for men it is their chest and biceps. Targeting these specific areas will lead to some improvement. But if we really want to improve on these areas we need to do the core lifts to stimulate adaptation. This is what Nick has experienced on the weekend, though we had not done much bench work we have been hitting the core lifts of squat and dead lifts. Also we have been doing associated lifts like the press. The adaptation that results from this has increase in his overall strength. Now, if nick wanted to be a champion power lifter i would work in more bench sets, but for now I believe rotating them in ever couple of sessions.


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